From the Milan Standard, September 19, 1935:

   An opportunity to see one of the
greatest educational exhibits of all
time will be given the people of Sulli-
van County next Sunday, Sept. 22nd,
when the Eureka Whaling Co., of Long
Beach, Calif., brings to Milan their
mammoth marine exhibit. The exhibit
is transported on a specially built rail-
road car over 100 feet long and will be
placed on a siding near the Q. O. &
K. C. Depot. The feature with the ex-
hibit is "Colossus" the 68 ton whale,
over 55 feet long and in a perfect state
of preservation, and just as it appear-
ed when encountered off the coast of
San Clemente a few months ago.
   In addition to the whale, the exhibit
will include over 40 other specimens of
marine life such as the Octopus or
Giant Devil Fish, the pilot fish, sword
fish, shark, stingray, the harpoon can-
non, and the modern harpoon with the
explosive spearhead.
   Another feature that accompanies
the whale is Madam Sirwell's European
Flea Circus. Madam Sirwell has over
50 performing fleas that kick little foot
balls, juggle, pull a small cart, run
races, walk a tight wire and many oth-
er astonishing feats.
   An additional attraction is the Penguin
village, a family of live penguins from
Little America, The only exhibit of
live penguins traveling in America
   Captain Jack Lampe and his crew of
30 men of the whaling ship "Hawk"
that captured the monster whale, ac-
company the exhibit on its transcon-
tinental tour. They lecture on and ex-
plain some startling facts of untold
biological value.
   The exhibit will be open from 9 a.
m. until 11 p. m. daily and will remain
here for one day only, next Sunday,
Sept. 22nd, 1935.
This Coupon and Five Cents Will Admit Any Boy or Girl Not
Over 12 Years of Age, to See the Marine Exhibit.
The Big Whale and Marine Wonders
   Deep Sea Annex - Penguin Village.
      Madam Sirwell's Flea Circus.
On a special built 100-foot railway car at the Q. O. & K. C.
Depot, 1 day only, Sunday, September 22nd, 9 a. m. till 11 p. m.
This courtesy is given the children of Sullivan County by
The Milan Standard.
This coupon is good in any city in the State of Missouri.